Friday Night Rock-Out: “Shaft”

I’ve long harbored the secret hope that someone, someday would refer to me reverentially as a bad-mother-hush-your-mouth, but I don’t think it’s ever going to happen. Oh, well.

This week’s Friday Night Rock-Out (okay, it’s more a Friday-Night Funk/Soul-Out) is dedicated to the late, great Isaac Hayes. Hayes was a musical genius, as well as being a pretty good actor. (He did fine journeyman work in The Rockford Files and Escape from New York. He was also a great voice-actor on South Park.) He will always be remembered, though, for the theme-song of the 1971 Gordon Parks film about the most phallocentric private investigator in the history of American crime fiction.

Yeah, I’m talkin about Shaft. I hope you can dig it.

Author: Ashley Clifton

My name is Ash, and I’m a writer. When I’m not ranting about books or films, I’m writing. Sometimes I take care of my wife and son.

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